- Investment chapter delays legal scrubbing of EU-Canada trade agreement
10 December 2015 file (45 KB) - Will Liberals have to reopen CETA talks to get a deal done
10 December 2015 file (130 KB) - Canada rules out full inclusion of Investment Court System in CETA
9 December 2015 file (9 KB) - Trudeau’s three paths to finishing Canada’s EU trade deal
9 December 2015 file (9 KB) - Canada warns EU trade deal could unravel if talks reopened
9 December2015 file (9 KB) - Canada’s fresh push for EU trade deal
9 December 2015 file (9 KB) - No position on CETA without cheese, fisheries compensation details- NDP
17 September 2015 file (9 KB) - Canadian exports will increase by $1.4B under CETA- Conference Board
7 July 2015 file (38 KB) - Harper pushes Canada-EU trade pact at opening of G7 summit
7 June 2015 file (30 KB) - Troubles in trade deals
20 May 2015 file (71 KB) - Mission accomplished_ Not quite. American negotiations with Europe may trigger more changes to CETA
5 May 2015 file (49 KB) - Free trade deals highlight discord over investor protection
13 March 2015 file (34 KB) - Declining Canadian investment in EU is worrying
6 March 2015 file (44 KB) - Couillard confronte aux reticences francaises
5 March 2015 file (57 KB) - Merkel calls for reforms, trade deals, investment at EIB conference
2 March 2015 file (59 KB) - France makes U-turn on TTIP arbitration
27 February 2015 file (16 KB) - Ford Canada CEO Dianne Craig on the Edge and free trade
26 February 2015 file (57 KB)
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