- Uneasy Birth: What Canadians Should Expect from a Canada-EU Trade Deal
15 August 2013 file (235 KB) - Negotiations Toward a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (ceta) Between Canada and the European Union
21 March 2012 file (759 KB) - Improving Canada’s drug patent protection – good for Canada, good for trade
20 March 2012 file (80 KB) - Canadian Generic Drug Manufacturers: A History of Exaggeration
31 March 2011 file (213 KB) - Rx&D analysis reveals major flaws in generic drug industry study
31 March 2011 file (503 KB) - Fabricants canadiens de médicaments génériques : une longue histoire d’exagérations
31 March 2011 file (292 KB) - Une analyse de rx&d révèle des failles majeures dans une étude publiée par l’industrie des médicaments génériques
31 March 2011 file (504 KB) - Canada-Europe Free Trade- The economic sovereignty of Quebec (and other provinces) is not threatened
February 2011 file (199 KB) - Libre-échange Canada-Europe – La souveraineté économique du Québec (et des autres provinces) nest pas menacée
February 2011 file (81 KB) - The Canada-EU CETA – An Economic Impact Assessment of Proposed Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property Provisions
7 February 2011 file (1615 KB) - Rx&D Statement on Generics Study
7 February 2011 file (210 KB) - Libre-échange Canada-Europe – La souveraineté économique du Québec est menacée
29 January 2011 file (45 KB) - Fostering Innovation in the Bio-pharmaceutical Industry
Autumn 2010 file (1130 KB) - CCC BUSINESSEUROPE CERT joint letter
November 2010 file (657 KB) - Free trade with Europe will not destroy 150,000 jobs
November 2010 file (61 KB) - Out of Equilibrium
26 October 2010 file (1014 KB) - Canada’s Foreign Direct Investment Challenge
10 October 2010 file (465 KB) - Canada-EU CETA and Ontario’s agri-food sector
October 2010 file (524 KB) - A trade SIA relating to the negotiation of a CETA between the EU and Canada
15 September 2010 file (652 KB) - Guaranteeing EU companies access to the Canadian market for outbound international mail
3 August 2010 file (61 KB) - The Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement – more to it than meets the eye
August 2010 file (1013 KB) - Canada-EU Summit Declaration
6 May 2009 file (55 KB) - CERT policy priorities for a Canada-EU trade and investment agreement
March 2009 file (245 KB) - Canada-EU Free Trade:
A Building Block For Renewed Multilateralism
Octobre 2008 file (3570 KB) - Déclaration du Sommet Canada-UE de 2008
17 Octobre 2008 file (52 KB) - Energy Roundtable report: A sustainable energy future?
30 Septembre 2008 file (138 KB) - Benefits of a Closer Economic Partnership between the EU and Canada
31 March 2008 file (76 KB) - Canada-EU Closer Economic Partnership
25 April 2008 file (101 KB) - The Energy Roundtable report: A sustainable nuclear future?
27 November 2007 file 97 KB) - 2007 Energy Roundtable report: A transatlantic energy partnership
18 September 2007 file 116 KB) - 2006 Energy Roundtable Report – Building the Future: Canada , an Emerging Energy Superpower
26 September 2006 file 61 KB) - Canada-European Investment and Tax Issues
28 May 2006 file 48 KB) - CERT Policy Priorities for the Canada-EU Trade and Investment Enhancement Agreement (TIEA) – Second Working Paper
March, 2006 file (67 KB) - CERT Policy Priorities for the Canada-EU Trade and Investment Enhancement Agreement (TIEA)
September 2005 file (114 KB) - The Role of Trade & Environment in a Canada-EU Context: Strengthening Canada-EU Trade Relationships
September 2005 file (65 KB) - Linking Canada-EU Emissions Trading Systems
September 2005 file (77 KB) - CERT Working Paper: Overview of Policy Priorities
10 March 2004 file (74 KB)
- Uneasy Birth: What Canadians Should Expect from a Canada-EU Trade Deal
- Rapport de la Troisième Table Ronde de PDG
Toronto, 21 novembre 2003 file (258 KB) - Programme d’action 2003 du FORCCE
Ottawa, 19 décembre 2002 file (109 KB) - Discours du Commissiaire européen au commerce, M. Pascal Lamy, à l’occasion de la réception du FORCCE au Parlement européen.
Bruxelles, 2 décembre 2002 file (79 KB) - Rapport de la 2e Table ronde des PDGs du FORCCE
Montréal, 28 & 29 octobre 2002 file (209 KB) - Plaidoyer pour une zone de libre-échange entre le Canada et l’Union Européenne par M. Pierre Lortie, Président, Bombardier Transport.
Tolède, 8 mai 2002 file (18 KB) - La Table ronde et le Symposium 2001: Rapport et Recommandations
18 décembre 2001. - La Table ronde et le Symposium 2001 Rapport: Résumé des idées principales et Eléments principaux et Recommandations
18 décembre 2001 file (28 KB) - CERT WTO Position Paper directed to Canadian government and the European Commission
21 juin 2001 in Stockholm. file (44 KB) - Trade Policy memorandum directed to Canadian government and the European Commission
20 décembre 2000 in Ottawa. file (31 KB) - European Reply to the Recommendations by the Canada Europe Round Table for Business
20 décembre 1999 file (23 KB) - Réponse du Gouvernement Canadienne aux Recommandations du Canada-Europe Round Table for Business
Ottawa décembre 1999 file (23 KB) - Response of the Canadian Government to the Recommendations of the Canada-Europe Round Table for Business
Ottawa décembre 1999 file (21 KB) - Recommendations directed at Canadian Government and European Union
16 juin 1999. file (49 KB)
- Letter to the Canadian government and European Commission on WTO « Doha » round negotiations
18 décembre 2001. file (48 KB)
- CERT Executive Business Plan 2000-2003 (European version) as presented to Commissioner Lamy and Minister Pettigrew at the Canada-EU Summit,
29 novembre 2000. file (85 KB) - CERT Executive Business Plan 2000-2003 (Canadian version) as presented to Commissioner Lamy and Minister Pettigrew at the Canada-EU Summit,
29 novembre 2000. file (85 KB)
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